Complex and large-scale projects can involve extensive international supply chains and demand timely delivery of critical goods and equipment, with items procured from vendors across several continents. Late delivery from any one supplier can significantly impact the whole chain, preventing projects from being completed on schedule or within budget.
Consequently, effective expediting is a key element in any successful project execution strategy, where resources are planned and deliveries are made on time and to specification.
In many cases it’s impossible to be on-site with every supplier around the world, so there is a need for proven local expeditors with in-depth knowledge of procurement, production and delivery processes. Whilst expediting is a real-time task, which often demands decisive responses to situations as they occur, a forward-thinking expediting partner will work pro-actively to identify and mitigate risks and bottlenecks in the processes and schedules before production begins, and considers whether there are options to work more harmoniously with the suppliers’ production team and other client orders to accelerate delivery of the equipment for which they are responsible for.
As your trusted expediting partner, INTERPROGETTI works with every link in your supply chain to keep you on schedule. Our highly experienced professionals are strategically located in the world’s most prominent industrial centres, ready to work closely with your suppliers to make sure your equipment orders are delivered on time or ahead of schedule.
INTERPROGETTI’s expediting service includes: preventative checks designed to pre-empt potential delays, monitoring of all production including material supply status, making you aware of any potential delays or issues, managing production milestones and working with vendors closely when deadlines are at risk.